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Terms of use & Privacy policy

The irrevocable trust agreement on management and investment, with transfer of domain and with rights of reversion number 3384/2019, through its trustee, banca mifel, sociedad anónima, institución de banca múltiple, grupo financiero mifel (hereinafter referred to as “THE HOTEL”) as responsible of the treatment of the data that you provide to THE HOTEL, and being committed to protecting the personal data that you share with it, hereby informs you the following:


THE HOTEL located in the Ejido de Pescadero, Delegación de Todos Santos, Municipio de La Paz, Baja California Sur, Zip Code 23300 México; in compliance to the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, its Regulations and applicable rules, informs you that with the aim of fulfilling its purposes and improving its services, will collect the information that is indicated in the section “Data to be collected” through call – center, telephone calls, telephone messages, digital applications, official social media, e-mails, internet pages, interviews, questionnaires and formats completed at THE HOTEL facilities, in its points of sale as well as through the companies that it hires to attract customers, which are indicated in the “Collaborating companies” section.  
Likewise, THE HOTEL informs you that the “Data to be collected” will be only and exclusively collected for the following “Purposes”:  
(a) Identification of clients and potential clients; (b) Offer and be capable of providing products and lodging, food, vacation packages, tourist and related services and any other commercial service offered by THE HOTEL; (c) Execution of the necessary agreements for formalizing the services and products that you contract with THE HOTEL; (d) Account and password creation through the webpage (hereinafter referred to as “THE HOTEL webpage”) to make reservations to stay at THE HOTEL and/or obtain its products and/or hire its lodging services and/or food services and/or vacation packages and/or tourist and related activities services and/or any other commercial service to be offered by THE HOTEL; (e) Process the payment with charged to credit and/or debit card for the lodging services and/or food services and/or tourists and related activities services, and in general, for rendering the commercial services and/or products offered by THE HOTEL that you hire; (f) In its case, for actualizing your data that as client, in THE HOTEL data bases, including your history as a client, for purely statistical purposes and to improve the services that THE HOTEL provides; (g) Evaluation as potential client; (h) To offer and be capable of timely providing those extraordinary products and services that you require as client or potential client; (i) Notifying about new services or products related with those previously acquired or hired; (j) Elaborating necessary analysis and studies for determining consuming habits for making market strategies and programs for offering best services, as well as with marketing, advertising and commercial prospecting purposes; (k) Invoicing; (l) Transferring them to the “Collaborating companies” for the purposes of attracting clients and commercial prospecting; and (m) in general, for fulfilling with the obligations that the THE HOTEL may undertakes with you.

“Data to be collected” for the above “Purposes”:
i) From each client or possible client: Full name, official identification, date of birth, complete address, contact telephone numbers and e-mail.Only in case of reservation and/or contracting of the services and/or products provided by THE HOTEL: bank details consisting of: credit or debit card number, full name of the cardholder, expiration date, security code; and billing information: complete Federal Taxpayer Registry, full name or denomination, taxpayer address, and e-mail to receiving the invoice.
ii) Necessary data to complete and manage reservations and/or the provision of the services and/or purchase of products required by you, including those from third parties.iii) In the event that you wish to create an account on THE HOTEL webpage for lodging reservations and/or contracting THE HOTEL services and/or purchasing THE HOTEL products, a user name and password will be required, which will be confidential.

Since the THE HOTEL webpage makes use of COOKIES, WEB BEACONS and similar technologies that are personalized identifiers that transfer or generate to/in your computer equipment and devices from which you enter to THE HOTEL webpage to allow it to recognize you and with this make your interaction more efficient and friendly on THE HOTEL webpage, it will follow your interaction with it to make purchase recommendations and send you offers and advertisements so that you enjoy greater benefits.
In case you do not agree with these COOKIES, WEB BEACONS and similar technologies, you can deactivate them by configuring your browser to NOT ACCEPT COOKIES, WEB BEACONS and similar technologies.
THE HOTEL informs you that in order to comply with the "Purposes" with which the "Information collected" is obtained, THE HOTEL may transfer said Information to the following companies, which are obliged to use that information for the same "Purposes" indicated by THE HOTEL and in the terms of this Privacy Notice:
“Collaborating companies”.
Paradero Hotels S.A. de C.V.
Project Dream Staff S.A. de C.V
Comunal Capital S.C.

.THE HOTEL informs you that by not expressly objecting to your personal data being collected and processed (it is understood by treatment: the obtaining, use, disclosure or storage of personal data by any means) and accepting the terms and conditions indicated in this PRIVACY NOTICE, it is understood that you agree that THE HOTEL collects the "Data to be collected" in the form and with the "Purposes" herein mentioned, as well as with their transmission to the "Collaborating companies".
In the case that you provide any other information not required by the THE HOTEL neither by the “Collaborating companies” said transfer will be understood as voluntarily made by you.
It is important to note that the third parties to whom your personal data is transferred will be bound in the same terms of this PRIVACY NOTICE and will comply with the corresponding security and confidentiality measures.
In any way, THE HOTEL agrees not to transfer your personal information to third parties without your consent, except in the case of the provisions of article 37 of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, as well as to carry out this transfer in the terms established by the referred Law.
At any time you may revoke your consent or object THE HOTEL to continue treating the "Data to be collected" or limit the use and disclosure of it, as well as to exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation or objection thereof (ARCO rights) directly at the address indicated at the beginning of this Notice or by e-mail sent to the email address: [email protected]
addressed to THE HOTEL's Data Protection Area that will be in charge of informing you the corresponding procedures and requirements and processing requests for revoking your consent, limit the use and disclosure of your personal data and/or for exercising your ARCO rights.
If you have any questions about the exercise of your ARCO rights, about this PRIVACY NOTICE or want more information about your ARCO rights, you can personally go to THE HOTEL's address or send an e-mail to the email address and area indicated above.
Any change to this Privacy Notice will be published on THE HOTEL webpage and it will notify you to the e-mail that you give with that purpose.
By clicking I accept that I have read and understood this privacy notice and that I agree to allow the treatment of my information that the hotel receives by any means, including its transmission to third parties for the purposes and in the terms herein, and by not agreeing with the same I cannot contract the services or purchase the products offered by the hotel.